Active dissemination of the LIFE NEWEST Project
5 March 2018
por Silvia
en Events
From SERVYECO we have organized a training course for our collaborators on 13th and 14th February at Servyeco facilities. In this training course, we have presented the ECOTAN series based on natural coagulants.
This series of coagulants of natural origin has great advantages over traditional coagulants such as ferric chloride or aluminum polychloride. One of its main advantages is that they do not add salts to the treated water, so they do not increase the conductivity, allowing the reuse of treated water. Having less corrosive water the average time life of the facilities is extended. In addition, the coagulants do not modify the pH, so it is not necessary to use neutralizers such as sodium hydroxide.
Along the same line, SERVYECO is committed to innovation and continuous improvement in the quality of our products, which is why we have invested significant efforts and resources to R&D projects. During these days of training we have presented to our collaborators one of the most ambitious R&D projects, the LIFE NEWEST project, led by SERVYECO with the partners EGEVASA and GOMSA. Our aim with this project is to develop an innovative and environmentally sustainable technological solution for the elimination of phosphorus in waters. In addition, this technology has demonstrated to be an economically profitable solution because it is based on the use of organic products of natural origin that improve the coagulant efficiency and these will replace hazardous chemical products currently used.
Therefore, NEWEST technology has great success potential in its dissemination through the EU.